CIBR Committees

The Central Iowa Board of REALTORS is committed to provide our members the opportunities to get involved with the community. Serving on a committee is a great way to stay connected with your fellow REALTOR members, build leadership and to continue to promote the REALTOR brand in our community. All of our committees are a volunteer-base with a one year commitment and the opportunity to return. 


Consumer Outreach Committee

This committee focuses on community involvement and promotes public awareness for REALTORS. The committee members will help plan the REALTOR Week of Caring, the Pride & Property Contest, and help with other fundraising events. This committee helps collaborate with local area chambers on event sponsorships.  Meets bimonthly during the year.


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

The DEI Committee helps promote the At Home with Diversity classes to CIBR members, plans the Annual Chili Cook-off with a educational opportunity for our members to learn more about DEI, and develops programs and recommends policies to help manage discrimination and equal professional services to a welcoming culture for all.  Grow, share, & support our commitment to DEI.  Meets quarterly


Education Committee

The Education Committee assists in determining the topics for continuing education classes offered by the Central Iowa board along with choosing facilitators and promoting the upcoming education to all CIBR members. This committee also assists with member engagement initiatives. Meets 2 times a year.


Finance Committee

Develops the budget for the following year and helps implement and set safeguards to protect board assessts. 


Foundation Golf Committee

The Foundation Golf Committee meets in the summer 2-3 times to plan and organize the annual golf outing held in September that benefits the Central Iowa Board of REALTORS Foundation. The Committee members will help recruit teams and encourage members to play in the Foundations golf tournament.


RPAC Committee

Meets the first half of the year to assist in raising awareness and funds for the REALTORS Political Action Committee (RPAC). The RPAC Committee helps in planning and organizing the RPAC Quack which is held in June. 


YPN Committee

The YPN Committee is a group that is for all ages! The committee meets 2 times a year to help with the formation of a Young Professionals Network (YPN) for CIBR REALTORS. This committee will host events such as socials, community involvement and networking opportunities, and support for the newer agents to the industry.   


Legislative Committee

The Legislative committee will need to stay up-to-date on local & state policies that pertain to real estate and report potential issues back to the board of directors. They will also help contact local & state political leaders if needed. Meets quarterly for updates.